Feel the Difference in 7 Days

Osteo Bi-Flex prides itself on its formulas, with the addition of clinically studied Joint Shield™ 5-LOXIN Advanced®, an exclusive herbal extract that improves joint comfort in just 7 days!

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The Science behind Our Ingredients

5-LOXIN Advanced

5-LOXIN Advanced is a novel composition extracted from Boswellia serrata. Recent studies have shown that modern Boswellia serrata extracts provide powerful benefits in promoting joint comfort and joint health. Clinically shown to significantly improve joint comfort (1,2).


UC-II is a source of undenatured type II collagen that supports joint health and has been shown to support knee range of motion, and comfortable joint movement.


A compound naturally made in humans that promotes healthy cartilage and joints. As you get older, the levels of glucosamine begin to drop and that’s where our supplements come in.


A stable sulfur-containing compound that occurs naturally in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains and even in the human body. It has been used as a supplement for musculoskeletal health and shown to support total antioxidant capacity. As a dietary supplement it is popular for supporting joint health.

(1) These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. (2) Based on three human studies with 5-LOXIN ADVANCED® where subjects rated their joint health over time, subjects’ joint health improved within 7 days and continued to improve throughout the duration of the studies.

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